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is normally performed. A transabdominal probe may also be used.

This scan will provide you with the following information:

1. The number of embryos and the pregnancy location. This can rule out an ectopic pregnancy.

2. The baby's heat rate. (this is usually present by 6 weeks)

3. The size of the embryo which will help to determine pregnancy dates. This is accurate to ± 3 days between 7 and 11 weeks. After 11 weeks the accuracy drops to ± 7 days because the baby curls up into the fetal position.

We will also check for the presence of uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts.

The images provided by this scan are quite varied because the baby is growing so rapidly.

Less than 5 weeks: pregnancy is unlikely to be detected by scanning

5 – 6 weeks: A small gestation sac is seen
6 – 8 weeks: A small embryo around 5 mm is seen at 6 weeks
9 – 10 weeks: Limbs begin to develop
11 – 12 weeks: Baby curls up into fetal position

Dating scans may be done after 12 weeks if the nuchal has not been done and it is too early for a morphology scan
8 weeks (gestation sac and developing fetus <10mm) 
10 weeks (limbs developing and starting to look like a baby) 
11 weeks (curling up into fetal position and looking cute!) 
6 weeks (yolk sac and developing fetus 5mm) 
5 weeks (A couple of dots really!) 
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Your Doctor may request this scan if you are unsure about your dates, you have bleeding or pain or if your doctor suspects a multiple pregnancy. The scan may also be performed if there is a history of ectopic pregnancies or recurrent miscarriage

Due to the small size of the baby at this early stage a
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transvaginal scan